Yesterday we celebrated Mercy Day, a time of great celebration of all things Mercy and a significant reminder to be Mercy and live and share Mercy with all humanity.

In our Eucharistic celebration, we were invited to recall the gift of Catherine McAuley to the world, and using the example of Mary, Our Lady of Mercy, what is our response and responsibility to others, especially our Mercy friends in Papua New Guinea.

Our prayers of the people were offered in various languages represented within our community as symbol of the global work of Mercy as together we work towards the building of God’s kingdom.
Catherine McAuley has been described as a ‘woman who allowed her life experiences to speak to her’, and she listened for ministry out of this discernment. She was quick to be flexible and quick to respond to need: all with a deep faith in the providence of God. As people of the same Mercy, we offer these prayers in the languages present in our community, representative of God’s universal presence throughout the world.
We pray for all the people suffering in our world, due to war, starvation and more. Their sufferings are long and hard, and we pray that you may be their refuge and comfort during these difficult times. Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
Za sve milosrdne širom svijeta i ovdje u Heidelbergu, neka ovaj dan milosrđa bude dan radosti, smijeha i ljubavi, gdje se okupljamo da slavimo djela Catherine McAuley i tvoje veliko milosrđe. Gospodine usliši nas.
For all Mercy people around the world and here in Heidelberg, this Mercy day may be one full of joy, laughter and love, where we come together to celebrate the works of Catherine McAuley and your great mercy. Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
Chúng ta cùng cầu nguyện cho người dân đất nước Papua New Guinea. Xin cho chúng ta biết quan tâm và chia sẻ với họ những gì thiết yếu để họ có thể sống và phát triển. Chúng ta cũng cầu nguyện cho các nữ tu đang dấn thân phục vụ nơi các cộng đoàn xa xôi hẻo lánh, cho các nhà hảo tâm giúp đỡ cho sứ vụ MercyWorks, để những công việc và đóng góp của họ sinh hoa kết quả, cũng như họ được đón nhận phần thưởng nước trời vì những công việc ấy. Xin Chúa nghe lời chúng con.
For the people of Papua New Guinea, that you may look after them and give them the necessities that they require in order to survive. And for the Sisters working with remote communities and for the supporters of MercyWorks, that they may be successful in their efforts and that they may receive a heavenly reward for their works. Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
Para sa mga taong nakikibaka sa ating lokal komunidad, nawa'y huwag tayong magbulag-bulagan sa kanilang mga pagdurusa, at sa halip bilang mga taong may awa, magpakita ng habag at suporta sa kanilang mga oras ng pangangailangan.
For people struggling in our local community, may we not turn a blind eye to their sufferings, and instead as people of mercy, show compassion and support in their times of need. Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
Do mhuintir na hAstráile, go háirithe na daoine dúchasacha,
Cabhrú linn seasamh le do chearta,
Cabhrú linn meas ar do chuid amhrán agus scéalta
Agus cuimhnigh: Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine
A Thiarna, éist linn
(Gaelige - Irish)
For the people of Australia, particularly our indigenous community, help us as we work together to reconcile and promote the dignity of our indigenous sisters and brothers. May we honour their traditions and culture and create peace within our society. Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
(Sign Language)
God of mercy and compassion in all corners of our world, fill us with the same spirit of love that filled Mary. Through her intercession, may we be people of mercy and justice. Give us the confidence in you that will sustain us and give us life. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.