Music has started off with a 'bang' in 2024 and students, new and old, have hit the ground running!
So far we have managed to fit in a Music Expo for Year 7 students to meet the teachers and try the instruments; over 100 students undertaking instrumental music lessons; weekly rehearsals; a Music Camp; and preparations for our first concert.
On Tuesday 26 March, students will perform the music from the well-known movie, The Greatest Showman. Tickets are selling fast so we encourage you to book as soon as possible. Whilst this concert is a culmination of approximately six weeks work (due to the short term) and a day of intense rehearsals, the students are to be congratulated on what they have achieved and how fabulous they are sounding.
Our Music Camp Experience was not only a day for rehearsing but also a day to build relationships with others who also have a passion for music. Students undertook group activities throughout the day and ended with a karaoke competition featuring Ms Russo as a guest appearance.
It has been a pleasure hearing students and ensembles improve across the term, and I look forward to seeing even more progress next term.
Jo-Anne Mileto
Instrumental Music Coordinator