OLMC is situated in the ancient and holy land, where we acknowledge the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation as the Traditional Custodians of this land and we recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay respect to their Elders past, present and emerging and commit to building justice, peace and reconciliation for all in Australia.
Today we continue our 2022 Reconcilation Week activities. Yet we acknowledge while the process has been made, our work as Mercy people is not finished:
- 27 May 1967
On this day, Australia’s most successful referendum saw more than 90 per cent of Australians vote to give the Australian Government power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and recognise them in the Census - 3 June 1992
On this day, the Australian High Court delivered the Mabo decision, the culmination of Eddie Koiki Mabo’s challenge to the legal notion of ‘terra nullius’ (land belonging to no one) and leading to the legal recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of lands. This decision paved the way for Native Title.
Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
We pray…
Lord God, bring us together as one,
Reconciled with you and with each other.
You made us in your likeness.
You gave us your Son, Jesus Christ.
He has given us forgiveness from sin.
Lord God, bring us together as one,
Different in culture, but given new life in Jesus Christ:
Together as your body, your church, your people.
Lord God, bring us together as one,
Reconciled, healed, forgiven,
Sharing you with others as you have called us to do.
In Jesus Christ, let us be together as one. Amen.
Reconciliation Week at OLMC 2022 - Truth Telling
The OLMC Fire Carriers have been active in their commitment to building reconciliation for all who call Australia home, especially our indigenous sisters and brothers. Truth-Telling in our country is a critical way we can work toward reconciliation. Telling the truth about our history not only brings to light colonial conflict and dispossession but also acknowledges the strength and resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures. Our students and staff have endorsed this statement:
We, the students and staff of Our Lady of Mercy College actively promote and support Truth-telling in Australia; and will listen with open hearts to the experiences, hurt and injustices of our Indigenous sisters and brothers. We commit to working for justice, peace, healing and respect for all peoples in our shared home, especially our first nations people.
We have followed with great interest the discussion in our media, from our politicians and our indigenous communities regarding the Uluru Statement of the Heart.
As we move together, you might like to read more.

On behalf of the student FIRE carriers.
Melika S. (LRJO), Katelyn D. (CBRY) and Charlotte D. (MFTA)