Our enthusiastic team of Year 7s once again headed to Trinity Lane in Ivanhoe to visit residents in the Villa Maria Aged Care facility. They are getting to know their new friends better with each visit.
This week Sr Cathy Solano RSM presented to the group about the world’s most basic and precious resource, water.
The session was interactive and allowed everyone to ask questions and participate in the discussion. I was particularly impressed with our students’ scientific and geographical knowledge in this area, and their intelligent and creative questions.
The following are reflections by our students about the experience.
Lauren Marquet
Social Justice Coordinator
At Trinity Lane yesterday, Sr Cathy Solano shared the importance of water and the urgent need to protect it. It was really eye-opening to hear how some companies selling bottled water take water away from people who need it to make a profit. Something Cathy said that left a lasting impression on me was, ‘Water is like air and people don't get charged for air, so why should people pay for water?’ This experience educated me about the importance of water and how we need to take action in protecting it if we want to preserve our planet's water supply.
Annabelle T (7LSA)
On Tuesday myself and several other Year 7 students went on our fortnightly trip to Trinity Lane in Ivanhoe. We were selected for this program at the start of the term and have loved it ever since day one!
When we arrived, we were informed that we would be hearing a talk about how important water is and how its supply has been challenged throughout the years. Sister Cathy Solano had offered to give us and the Trinity Lane residents this discussion and it was quite an interesting afternoon.
We learnt all about Nature’s Rights and how these rules are enforced. By the end we were all happily discussing Sister Cathy's talk! To finish off our visit, we enjoyed an afternoon tea of biscuits and juice. As we farewelled Trinity Lane, we students were leaving with valuable information. We all loved the discussion that took place and we can’t wait for our next visit!
Dinara D (7RTH)