
Edition 14 | 16 September 2022
Judith Weir

Yesterday we celebrated Mercy Day and I would like to share with you some of what I shared with our students.

It is important to remember why we are celebrating Mercy Day and to recognise the size and breadth of the Mercy Community each and every one of us belongs to.

This week in the USA, Ireland, South Africa, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea and all over Australia there are Mercy schools celebrating Mercy Day. They are raising money, just like us, for important works of Mercy all over the world. We are trying to support Mercy Works and their work in Papua New Guinea, providing health care and education among so many other things that are needed. We want to make a difference in the lives of others.

Catherine McAuley once said “Never command anything which you yourself have not practised” If we wish to be treated with respect and compassion, we must show that to others. At OLMC we are empowered together to be Mercy people and this privilege means that we need to think about our actions at school and beyond. How do we show up in all the places we are seen, whether that be online or in person? How will others see us and interpret our words and actions? Are they the ways we want to be seen?

Today we want to be seen as a strong community that is joyful, courageous and compassionate and whose commitment to justice means that we are proud that we are contributing to improving the lives of people simply by participating well in our Mercy Day.

Mercy Day was a wonderful celebration showing all that it means to be part of the OLMC Community. We watched with pride as our students engaged wholeheartedly in the day, taking every opportunity to have fun and celebrate our community.

This has been a very busy two weeks. On Tuesday evening we celebrated the skills and talents of our sporting teams with the 2022 Sports Evening. Kate Moloney, Captain of the Melbourne Vixens netball team was our special guest. Much has been written about girls turning away from sport during the long periods of remote learning. I am so pleased and proud to be able to say that OLMC is well and truly bucking this trend. Our students have participated in GSV, other organised external sporting competitions and House based sporting activities in numbers stronger than prior to COVID. Presenting medals and trophies to students on the night was a great privilege. Congratulations to all who received an award.

This is our last newsletter for the term. It has been a challenging term due to illness and managing all that normally comes with winter. As we go into the break our Year 12 students are beginning their exam preparations and we wish them all the very best.

All at OLMC wish everyone a wonderful break and time spent resting and relaxing with family and friends.

We look forward to another busy and successful Term 4.

Shane Taylor
Head of Faith and Mission

Yesterday we celebrated Mercy Day, a time of great celebration of all things Mercy and a significant reminder to be Mercy and live and share Mercy with all humanity.

In our Eucharistic celebration, we were invited to recall the gift of Catherine McAuley to the world, and using the example of Mary, Our Lady of Mercy, what is our response and responsibility to others, especially our Mercy friends in Papua New Guinea.

Our prayers of the people were offered in various languages represented within our community as symbol of the global work of Mercy as together we work towards the building of God’s kingdom.

Catherine McAuley has been described as a ‘woman who allowed her life experiences to speak to her’, and she listened for ministry out of this discernment. She was quick to be flexible and quick to respond to need: all with a deep faith in the providence of God. As people of the same Mercy, we offer these prayers in the languages present in our community, representative of God’s universal presence throughout the world.

We pray for all the people suffering in our world, due to war, starvation and more. Their sufferings are long and hard, and we pray that you may be their refuge and comfort during these difficult times. Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
Za sve milosrdne širom svijeta i ovdje u Heidelbergu, neka ovaj dan milosrđa bude dan radosti, smijeha i ljubavi, gdje se okupljamo da slavimo djela Catherine McAuley i tvoje veliko milosrđe. Gospodine usliši nas.
For all Mercy people around the world and here in Heidelberg, this Mercy day may be one full of joy, laughter and love, where we come together to celebrate the works of Catherine McAuley and your great mercy. Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
Chúng ta cùng cầu nguyện cho người dân đất nước Papua New Guinea. Xin cho chúng ta biết quan tâm và chia sẻ với họ những gì thiết yếu để họ có thể sống và phát triển. Chúng ta cũng cầu nguyện cho các nữ tu đang dấn thân phục vụ nơi các cộng đoàn xa xôi hẻo lánh, cho các nhà hảo tâm giúp đỡ cho sứ vụ MercyWorks, để những công việc và đóng góp của họ sinh hoa kết quả, cũng như họ được đón nhận phần thưởng nước trời vì những công việc ấy. Xin Chúa nghe lời chúng con.
For the people of Papua New Guinea, that you may look after them and give them the necessities that they require in order to survive. And for the Sisters working with remote communities and for the supporters of MercyWorks, that they may be successful in their efforts and that they may receive a heavenly reward for their works. Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.

Para sa mga taong nakikibaka sa ating lokal komunidad, nawa'y huwag tayong magbulag-bulagan sa kanilang mga pagdurusa, at sa halip bilang mga taong may awa, magpakita ng habag at suporta sa kanilang mga oras ng pangangailangan.
For people struggling in our local community, may we not turn a blind eye to their sufferings, and instead as people of mercy, show compassion and support in their times of need. Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
Do mhuintir na hAstráile, go háirithe na daoine dúchasacha,
Cabhrú linn seasamh le do chearta,
Cabhrú linn meas ar do chuid amhrán agus scéalta
Agus cuimhnigh: Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine
A Thiarna, éist linn
(Gaelige - Irish)
For the people of Australia, particularly our indigenous community, help us as we work together to reconcile and promote the dignity of our indigenous sisters and brothers. May we honour their traditions and culture and create peace within our society. Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
(Sign Language)
God of mercy and compassion in all corners of our world, fill us with the same spirit of love that filled Mary. Through her intercession, may we be people of mercy and justice. Give us the confidence in you that will sustain us and give us life. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Throughout this term, Year 11 and 12 OLMC students have acted in the spirit of Mercy by volunteering their time to help prepare and share a meal with our friends in the Exodus Community in West Heidelberg. Each week the girls prepare, cook and eat with community members.

We have recently received some feedback from the guests who have attended, and when asked what being invited to the dinner meant to them, they responded with:

Proud that they want to journey with us. Cared for. Respected. Honoured. Great kindness. Love to be included.”
“Privileged. A lot of effort had gone into it for us – tablecloths and little thinks that show care.
Welcoming and I felt appreciated. Not alone.”
“Stops me being lonely looking at walls alone at home…I felt included: a part of the community”
“Not judged. To sit, eat together: respect for who we are.”

It has been a wonderful experience for our students to engage with and encounter our friends in a way that supports the dignity of all.

Lauren Marquet and Elise Cooper
Social Justice Coordinators

Please diarise the dates listed below:

Key dates for 2022-2023 applications

Applications open
$44 for current Year 12 students

9:00am Monday 1 August 2022

Latrobe ASPIRE Early Entry Program applications close

Friday 16 September 2022

RMIT Early Offer Program applications close

Sunday 18 September 2022

ACU Guarantee Early Entry Program applications close

Friday 23 September 2022

Timely applications deadline

5:00pm Thursday 29 September 2022

Swinburne Early Entry Program applications close

Thursday 6 October 2022

SEAS applications close

5:00pm Friday 7 October 2022

Scholarship applications close

5:00pm Friday 7 October, 2022

VU Guaranteed Early Entry Program applications close

Friday 7 October 2022

CASPer Test Deadline for December Round Offers to all Teaching Courses & VU Nursing degree

Sunday 13 November 2022

ATAR released

From 7:00am Monday 12 December 2022

Change of Preferences close

4:00pm Wednesday 14 December, 2022

December Round offers released

Wednesday 21 December 2022

Full list of dates: https://www.vtac.edu.au/dates.html

I will be available to support students throughout the Change of Preference period after their results are released on Monday 12 December. Details will be made available closer to this date on how to access this one-on-one support.

SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme)

Students who have had their academic results affected due to personal circumstances are encouraged to submit a SEAS application through their VTAC account. Based on the assessment, aggregate point adjustments may be applied, improving the Selection Rank calculated for courses at participating institutions. The 4 categories for SEAS are:

Category 1: Personal Information and Location

Category 2: Disadvantaged Financial Background

Category 3: Disability or Medical Condition

Category 4: Difficult Circumstances (including consideration of COVID remote learning impacts)

Students may wonder about considerations based on COVID and the significant impact this has had on their learning over the last few years. It is important to understand firstly that all ATAR calculations will be based solely on the results achieved by this cohort, all of whom have been affected by lockdowns and remote learning at the same time in Victoria. The ATAR is not a score achieved, but rather a rank in direct comparison to the performance of all other students in this year level and as a result, there is a natural consideration of the impacts of COVID through this.

However, students who feel their educational results have been negatively impacted due to financial disadvantage, a disability or medical condition or difficult personal circumstances they have had to cope with either short term or long term are encouraged to carefully consider applying for adjustments. For SEAS applications related to Category 3 or 4, students will most likely need to write their own Impact Statement and ask an appropriate person to provide a Statement of Support. For Category 3, it is recommended that a medical or allied health professional provide this Statement of Support and students are encouraged to book appointments well in advance of the 7 October deadline to ensure these requirements can be met.

PLEASE NOTE: Careers Coordinator Mrs Melinda Williams will be on leave from Monday 3 - Friday 14 October.
Students with questions regarding SEAS should direct these to Pathways Coordinator Anne Rogan or the relevant House Coordinator.

To enrol in their tertiary courses early in 2022 all students will need a TFN so now is a good time to apply if your daughter does not have one. Tax File Numbers can only be obtained through the Australian Tax Office. For more information, visit https://www.ato.gov.au/individuals/tax-file-number/apply-for-a-tfn/australian-residents---tfn-application/

UPCOMING TERTIARY EVENTS (various year levels):
There are a number of institutions offering events for students who may not have been able to attend Open Days. I encourage parents and guardians to discuss these opportunities with their students and encourage them to register.



Registration Details

Virtual Open Day Catchup


Recordings available here

LaTrobe University
Open Day Online Hub
Bundoora Campus Tours

Mon 19 – Weds 21 Sept

Online Hub available here
Register here

One-on-One Consultation

Mon 19 – Tues 27 Sept

Book 30min appt here

Campus Tour


Request Tour here

Richmond Institute Sport
Onsite Info Session
Online Info Session

Mon 19 Sept
Tues 27 Sept

Expression of Interest here

William Angliss
Talk & Tour Session
Angliss Experience Day ($10)

Mon 19 – Tues 20 Sept
Weds 28 Sept

Book Time here
Register here

Victoria University Tours
City Campus
Sunshine Campus
St Albans Campus
Footscray Campus

Mon 19 & Tues 20 Sept
Weds 21 & Thurs 22 Sept
Mon 26 & Tues 27 Sept
Weds 28 & Thurs 29 Sept

Register here

Deakin University
Open Day OnDemand
Burwood Campus
Waurn Ponds
Geelong Waterfront

Any - View sessions here

Thurs 22 & Weds 28 Sept
Tues 27 & Thurs 29 Sept
Weds 21 Sept
Tues 20 Sept

Register here

A Day at RMIT
Tech & Trades Day

Thurs 22 Sept
Weds 28 Sept

Register here
Register here

Monash University
Take CTRL IT Workshop
Pathways to & from Science
Science Precinct Tour

Tues 27 Sept
Tues 4 Oct
Sat 8 Oct

Register here
Register here
Register here

Bond University (QLD)
Medical Program Webinar

Weds 16 Nov

Register here

The in-class and out-of-class Science at OLMC has been busy. In August we marked National Science week with a range of fun activities focused on the 2022 theme of Glass – more than meets the eye.

Year 7s have wrapped up their study of the solar system and Year 10 are now looking into the origins of the Universe and the Star Cycle. Year 9s have been working on electromagnetics and Year 8 have been working through three linked topics on Particle theory, heat transfer and some introductory Chemistry looking at atoms, elements, compounds and chemical reactions. This week the Year 11 Biology students have conducted their field work studies at Werribee zoo specifically looking at bioethics, adaptations and the effect of keystone species in grassland ecosystems.

We have had three STEM and STEAM programs running this term: BrainSTEM, STEM Mad and our OLMC STEAM extension program. A new BrainSTEM team has begun the 15th Innovation Challenge.

Alexandra C. (9SMI) describes what the team have been up to.

I was very excited when I got the opportunity to participate in the BrainSTEM challenge as I knew it would be a great way to experience STEM and to meet new people. This term I am with a great group of girls and together with our mentor we have started to research different issues that interest us. At the start of this program we attended a Kickstarter event at Parliament House in the city, this was a very exciting day for all of us. We met our mentor Sue, and we were given a tour of Parliament. Since then we have had Zoom meetings with Sue and have chosen to find a problem and solution in the area of Health and Wellbeing. I am so excited to see what we come up with and to present our idea to all of the other schools.

Katiya S. (9DCH) updates us on the STEM MAD team who were part of the Victorian and the National STEM MAD showcase and who won the National STEM in Space competition.

Throughout the term we have been working on a project for the competition, STEM MAD. We created a project called ‘Smell the Future’ which focused on helping astronauts be able to smell in space - this is problematic for them because at microgravity there isn't the force to pull blood and fluids down through the body and they end up with puffy head syndrome. We experimented with creating different smells, dismantling a C-PAP machine, researched about astronauts in space and created a prototype of our invention. We got to present our work at the state and national showcase and it was a really fun and great experience.

Phoebe T. (8MKY ) has been part of the three terms of STEAM in Year 8. She updates us on what went on in this term for Year 8.

This term we finished off our LED bracelets and other felt creations that we weren't be able to finish last term. It was a lot and made us feel extremely accomplished to be able to turn on and off our LED's and show our families. Then we moved on to learning about electricity and we first did that by making a battery out of cardboard, coins, vinegar, aluminum foil. Then we did multiple experiments to help create solar cells, to produce electricity. It was difficult but very rewarding.

Susan Long
Science Learning Leader

Life in the Humanities Learning Area is as dynamic and engrossing as the very world we inhabit. Recently, our focus on Geography at Year 9 had Mr Ives’ students wondering how they could relay the message of climate issues to a younger audience in a practical, age-appropriate way.

As a learning team, they decided to create picture books during class time. Later, and intrepidly, they traversed the Cape Street crossing and ventured into the prep classrooms at St John’s Primary School to spread their creative, informative ideas about climate change via story sharing and conversation. You can read our students' reflections below:

Rosemary Jones
Humanities Learning Leader

Student Reflections:

Going to see the preps at St Johns, across the road, was a very rewarding experience. After working on our storybooks for a couple of weeks we finally had our chance to share them. The intent was that as climate change is an important issue that doesn't get enough publicity, we would make an accessible story to educate primary-schoolers.
It was lots of fun creating the story as well as reading it to the children. They seemed to value the experience as much as we did. The total experience, as a whole, was very enjoyable. It was different from standard classroom experiences and it felt more impactful than normal classwork.
Heidi 9DCH

On Monday, Mr Ives gave our class the opportunity to go across the road, and read books that we wrote to the preps at St. John’s Primary School. The idea of this was to educate the preps about what's happening in our world in a way in which they can interpret it, listen to it, and learn about what they can do to help stop these things from happening. We had to keep in mind that we were interacting with 5-year-olds so it was important to keep our stories and our interactions entertaining so we didn't lose their attention. This was done by providing them with a small activity after we read them our books. As a class our stories varied from subjects such as climate change and littering, to global warming and the importance of what we do in our future.
Kim 9DCH

With our last Celebration Concert being held in 2019, Monday 5 September 2022 was a night staff and students alike were looking forward to. After the hard work of the last six months where music was once again able to occur at school, the students have been working hard to create a concert performance to remember. Under the title ‘Magical Moments’ audience members were invited to share in the magic of music and reflect on some of the wonderful times the students have had as they have shared with others in their music journey this year.

We would like to congratulate all instrumental staff and all students who took part, it was a night to remember.

Student Reflection:

‘The 2022 Celebration Concert was a momentous evening. After missing the previous two years due to Lockdowns, it was absolutely fantastic to be able to perform LIVE again for our families and friends.

A huge thank you to all our incredible teachers. You are invaluable support and encouragement does not go unnoticed. You are so appreciated! I am sure my fellow vocalists, musicians and dancers felt the same emotions Monday evening.

As a Year 12 student it was also a time to reflect on what we had missed in the previous two years, the performance opportunities our exceptional Choirs had had in the past as well as our ‘Cantor Scholarship’ recipients.

As performing students we had all missed that special connection you receive with a live audience. The adrenaline and the endorphins that enable you to perform at a level you never thought you could. Such a credit to our resilience and perseverance. It was an honour as a VCE Music Performance student and Senior Choir member to be able to perform once again at OLMC in my final year.

It truly was a celebration for every musician, teacher and our family and friends.’
Bridie E. Year 12 (CCTR)

Jo-Anne Mileto
Instrumental Music Coordinator

Senior Wellbeing Program
In our Lesson 3 Pastoral on Tuesday 13 September we ran a number of Woman’s Health Sessions for our senior cohort. This wellbeing program was in line with Woman’s Health Week which is a nation-wide campaign that promotes health and wellbeing of women in Australia. Students were able to prioritise an area of their health by selecting the session they wanted to attend from a wide variety of workshops on offer. The campaign and these sessions are a timely reminder to our students to make time for their own health and wellbeing.

Below is an outline of the wonderful sessions we had on offer:

Eloise Chaston (AFLW - Collingwood): Strive and Thrive
This session was designed with a strong emphasis on building a healthy lifestyle and motivation. Students listened to AFLW player Eloise Chaston as she spoke about healthy eating/lifestyle, fitness and motivation.

Angelica Pupillo: Food and Mental Wellness
Angelica presented about the important link between mental health and good food. Together, students made a healthy snack and learnt about putting the right fuel in their body.

Walk This Way (around Heidelberg)
Physical activity has a huge potential to enhance our well-being. Even going for a short walk increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood. This session was for those who wanted to get outside and boost their wellbeing.

Bright Girl Health Presentations: Live Brighter
In this session, students learnt about common period irregularities (heavy periods, PMS, missing periods, period pain) and tools to cope with these, such as nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress management. They also learnt some help seeking strategies to navigate present and future health challenges.

Mental Health First Aid with members of the OLMC Counselling Team
It can be difficult to know how to support your peers when you notice they are not OK, you see them experience a panic attack, or when they tell you they are not OK. This session helped to take students beyond just asking the question ‘R U OK?’ and taught them to consider small, practical actions that they can take that may be helpful, how to encourage a friend to get help, and where they can go to get the support needed to help a peer without ‘owning’ the issue.

Nikki Visaj Dance Studio: Wellbeing Dance Workshop
This was the ultimate mind-body experience, combining passionate dance energy, collaborative fitness fun and irresistible rhythms with the calm, relaxing winding-down energies of mindfulness.

Flourish Girl Presentation
What kind of person do you want to be in life? This session was designed to discuss the pressure of society (yourselves, friends, society, social media) and help students to develop tools to check-in with themselves and others who might be struggling. This was a really interactive, fun and empowering session that helped students to recognise their own power.

Senior House Coordinators
Jemma Banfield, Kathryn Williams, Deb Daly and Hayley Gamble-Curran

In the first time ever OLMC Senior AFL team has won the AFL Herald Sun Shield Senior Girls Division 2 Premiership. Coached by Ms Lambert the squad of 23 students from Year 10 -12 played as a team throughout the Preliminary Round Robin beating Ivanhoe Grammar School, Padua College, and Mt Lilydale Mercy College to move to the Grand Final against Sacred Heart College in Geelong.

In windy conditions at the famous Trevor Barker Oval the Division 2 Senior Girl Grand Final both teams were evenly match until the final quarter, when the strong pressure and team work of OLMC was enough to beat Sacred Heart College.

Finals Score - OLMC 6 -7-43 def Sacred Heart College Geelong 4-3-27

We congratulate all the OLMC team members for a fantastic team effort and Ava J. Year 11 (LADR) for winning the Best Player in the Grand Final.

The 2022 GSV Athletic Final Night was conducted recently with a number of excellent performances from OLMC Students.

Emily McK. (7JBR)1st Year7 Shot Put / 1st Year 7 Discus
Matilda B. (10AASE)1st Year10 90 m Hurdles / 1st – Year 10 Long Jump
Jamieson L. (9DCH)1st Year 9 - 400m

OLMC finished 6th in the GSV Finals Night Medal Count, a fantastic effort and season by all students in the 2022 OLMC Athletic Squad

The Junior B Soccer Team coached by Mr Walpole won its way to the finals held last week and demolished its opposition as it had done all term to become the GSV Junior B Soccer Premiers.

Congratulations to all involved.

Over 500 students and parents attended the 2022 Celebration of Sport Evening .

Congratulations to all students who were recognised for their contribution to sport throughout this year.

Special mention to the 2022 Sportspersons of the Year recipients.

Year 7Emily McK. (7JBR)
Year 8Chiara S. (8JSE)
Year 9Sarah B. (9GTA)
Year 10Annabel B. (CCTR)
Year 11Ashleigh T. (MMZI)
Year 12Annabel G. (AASE)

Overall OLMC 2022 Sports Person of the Year was Awarded to: Georgia A. Year 12 (LRJO)

Trevor Robertson
Sports Coordinator

OLMC, Heidelberg hosted a ‘High Tea in Heidelberg’ on Sunday 11 September as a fundraiser to support the work of McAuley Community Services for Women (MCSW), a Ministry of the Sisters of Mercy.

Each year MCSW help women and children who are affected by family violence or homelessness. The event was a sell out and we are delighted to confirm that $12,800 was raised for MCSW!

The 180 guests who came were delighted with the lavish afternoon tea. They were made up of members of our current community, past pupils and many from the Mercy Community.

The total raised which is a fantastic result. We really appreciate your support and look forward to welcoming you at the High Tea again next year.

Congratulations to the Raffle for MCSW winners:

1st PrizeFran Bohan (Past OLMC Pupil)
2nd PrizeDiane Collis (OLMC Staff)

3rd Prize

Mark Mueller

4th Prize

Christie Tran (OLMC Staff)

Marie Jenkins
Community Development Coordinator

Try out our sports facilities and find out what it’s like to study Physical Education at OLMC Heidelberg.

Date and TimeThursday 6 October
Time4:00pm - 5:00pm
LocationNalleijerring Centre, OLMC Heidelberg (enter via Yarra Street)
Who is it ForGirls in Grade 4 interested in studying Physical Education in Secondary School
RSVPBook online by Tuesday 4 October

Try out our sports facilities and find out what it’s like to study Physical Education at OLMC Heidelberg.

At this free after-school workshop, our Sport and Recreation students will run a series of fun skills sessions and games for girls in Grade 4.

Our students have access to extensive, modern sporting facilities including indoor multi-purpose courts, outdoor sports fields and a fitness centre. There are many opportunities for students to try a new sport or represent the College in interschool competitions.

Experience OLMC Heidelberg offers girls in primary school a chance to try subjects they can study at the College. Together we can learn, lead and be the best we can be. We are empowered together.

Elizabeth Baxter
Leader of Marketing and Development

Follow the official Our Lady of Mercy College accounts on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. We’ll be sharing regular news, student achievements and stories from around the College.

OLMC College Tours

Prospective families are invited on a tour of the OLMC facilities followed by an information session with Principal Judith Weir, Transition Coordinator Rowena Thomson and two students.