During our Opening Mass, we celebrated God’s blessing of and for us, as we blessed the badges of our 2023 Student Leaders and our newest buildings: the Frayne Design and Technology Building and the Marian Centre. It was so wonderful to have many guests from our wider Mercy family.
During our Eucharist, we prayed the following prayer with Fr Erick Niyiragira CP:
Water is a great symbol of life. it sustains ourselves, our planet and all living creatures. Our First Nations people have always treasured its life-giving properties, and as stewards, they teach us.
Water reminds us of Christ, the living water, and the sacrament of baptism, in which we were born of water and the Holy Spirit.
So we pray…
O God, the creator of all things,
by water and the Holy Spirit
you have given the universe its beauty
and fashioned us in your own image.
Bless this water in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Grant that those who are sprinkled with this water
may be renewed in body and spirit,
That our leaders recall their baptismal promises,
as they serve others;
and that our new buildings,
are not only places of learning of knowledge;
but learning of life and Mercy.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.